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- 21Összes tanuló
- 7Összes munkamenet
- Jun 24, 2022óta aktív
- Raceland, United StatesElhelyezkedés
Ról ről Genevieve Fynnyx
Genevieve has had a myriad of experiences from being a full-time mother, a lawyer, etc. However, she came to the Akashic Records and realized that her calling was to read the Akashic Records. She is called as a healer in this lifetime, and so she is an Akashic Records Reader, is a teacher, a tarot reader, a Reiki Master, a Life Coach, etc. She lives in Raceland, Louisiana, and works full-time in New Orleans as a tarot reader.
Tapasztalatok és megkülönböztetések
J.D. Degree, BA in Journalism and African-American Studies
Tanulók (21)
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